While we’d love to spend as much time with our pets as possible, doing so is not always feasible. With work and friends, a lot of our time is spent out of the home, so finding a pet that can cope with being by itself is a worthy consideration for those who care about the wellbeing of their furry friends. To help find the right animal for you, we’ve put together this list of cats that can be left alone.
Cats as a whole are known to be independent and often choose to spend time by themselves. However, there are several breeds that are known for their independence and self-sufficiency.
13 Types of Cats That Can Be Left Alone
Although these breeds are more independent than most, keep in mind that all cats still require regular attention and care, and benefit greatly from consistent human interaction.
1. Russian Blue

Average Lifespan: 15-20 years
Average Size: 7-12 pounds
Coat: short, fine
The Russian Blue, aptly named for its blue/gray slate coloring, originally hails from Russia where it was bred as a companion and mousing breed.
The breed is known for being good with children and seniors, and has a playful disposition when in the mood to interact. It’s striking color makes it a distinguished feature of its home, and the breed is a favorite among many cat owners.
While the Russian Blue is known to be playful and curious, this breed also deals well on its one, without the company of its owner.
2. Maine Coon

Average Lifespan: 10-13 years
Average Size: 8-18 pounds
Coat: long, soft
The Maine Coon is a long haired and large breed originating from the state of Maine. The breed was developed for its mousing proficiency and its resilience as an outdoor and working cat.
Despite being built for outdoor living and hunting, the Maine Coon is known to be an affectionate breed that enjoys the warmth and affection of its owner. In part due to its aptitude for outdoor activities, the Maine Coon is a robust and independent breed that can live quite happily on its own, so long as it is sufficiently exercised.
3. Scottish Fold

Average Lifespan: 12-14 years
Average Size: 6-13 pounds
Coat: short
Known for its short and rounded ears, the Scottish Fold acquired the second part of its name and signature look from a cartilage mutation that causes its ears to fold forward on its head. Originally developed in Scotland, the Scottish Fold is prized for its cuddly appearance and docile temperament.
Unconditionally loving of their owners and accommodating of other household pets, some individuals of the Scottish Fold breed are known to deal well on their own. However, with this breed, this will vary between individuals.
4. Ragdoll Cat

Average Lifespan: 13-18 years
Average Size: 10-20 pounds
Coat: medium-long
Despite the ragdoll moniker, the Ragdoll Cat is actually muscularly built with a solid body. The Ragdoll is an American breed developed in the 1960s as a household companion. The striking features of this breed are its bright blue eyes and color points, which are the distinguished patches of dark fur around its face and ears.
Loving and amiable, the Ragdoll is another of the cats that can be left alone and often tend to enjoy their privacy.
5. Norwegian Forest Cat

Average Lifespan: 14-16 years
Average Size: 12-16 pounds
Coat: long
Resembling the Maine Coon in appearance and size, the Norwegian Forest Cat originates from Northern Europe and is a fairly old breed. Known for its thick fur and tolerance of cold temperatures, this breed is built for the outdoors and is a dedicated hunter, which accounts for its common use as a mouser.
Also like the Maine Coon, the Norwegian Forest Cat’s affinity for living outdoors is likely what has contributed to its independent streak and its interest in spending periods of time alone.
6. Siamese Cat

Average Lifespan: 15-20 years
Average Size: 6-14
Coat: short, fine
One of the better known breeds on this list, the Siamese Cat originates from Thailand and is known for its sleek frame and sharp jawline. This breed is also famous for its distinct and individualistic outlook and disposition, and is noted by many owners to be a cat with attitude and personality.
An individual at heart, the Siamese values time spent by itself and will often go out of its way to get time alone.
7. Bengal Cat

Average Lifespan: 9-15 years
Average Size: 8-15 pounds
Coat: short
Striking in appearance, the Bengal cat’s wild roots contribute to its signature spotted coat and feral attitude. A cross between an Asian leopard cat and domestic breeds, this cat was only recently developed.
True to its ancestry, the Bengal does resemble a tiny leopard, albeit one that is well suited to indoor living and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to feed.
Unlike others on this list of cats that can be alone, this breed can attribute its proclivity for solitude to its wild parentage, as many wild cat species are known to live and hunt by themselves.
8. British Shorthair

Average Lifespan: 15-20 years
Average Size: 7-17 pounds
Coat: short, fine
Contrary to what its name suggests, the British Shorthair can trace its roots back to ancient Rome. Famous for inspiring the Cheshire Cat, the British Shorthair has been a popular companion and mouser breed for centuries.
Similar in appearance to the Russian Blue, the British Shorthair often bears a blue slate coat. Its attractive look and companionable attitude make it a great household pet, and one that is attentive to its owner.
As with many older cat breeds that have a history of mousing, British Shorthairs are also comfortable spending time by themselves.
9. Persian Cat

Average Lifespan: 10-15 years
Average Size: 7-13 pounds
Coat: long, soft
Renowned for its luxurious and soft coat, the Persian originates from Iran and made its way to Europe when Italian traders brought it across the mediterranean.
With its unique fur and docile attitude, this breed makes an excellent household pet. Many owners find that their Persians are affectionate and attentive with a fairly laidback disposition.
While being for the most part laidback and receptive to their owner’s company, this breed is another of the cats that can be left alone.
10. Exotic Shorthair

Average Lifespan: 8-15 years
Average Size: 10-12 pounds
Coat: short
Developed as a shorthair version of the Persian, the Exotic Shorthair bears many of its relation’s features. Recognizable for its proportionally massive head and squashed features, many have called the Exotic Shorthair the pug of cats, and rightly so.
Although more lively than its Persian cousins, the Exotic Shorthair has inherited the former’s tolerance for being left alone.
11. Abyssinian

Average Lifespan: 9-15 years
Average Size: 9-17 pounds
Coat: short
The Abyssinian is a short haired breed originating from Ethiopia where it was developed as a mouser and companion animal.
Superficially resembling a cougar, the Abyssinian’s sandy coat gives the breed its signature look. Interestingly, the Abyssinian is known for its swimming ability and appreciation of water.
Similarly to others on this list of cats that can be left alone, individuals of the breed have been known to do well on their own, although this may vary depending on the character of the individual cat.
12. Manx Cat

Average Lifespan: 9-13 years
Average Size: 8-12 pounds
Coat: short
The only bobtail breed on this list, the Manx Cat originally hails from the Isle of Man. Stocky and muscular, the Manx’s bobtail has drawn comparisons between the breed and bobcats. Manx Cats are considered skilled hunters, and they are often sought out by farmers and those with rodent issues to curb infestations.
As a working cat, the Manx’s determined and focused disposition makes it a cat that can handle spending time by itself, so long as it is able to keep itself entertained.
13. American Shorthair

Average Lifespan: 15-20 years
Average Size: 10-15 pounds
Coat: short
Bred from European cats brought over to America, the American Shorthair is a medium sized breed and one of the most popular in the United States. Although originally bred to hunt mice on ships crossing the Atlantic from Europe, the American Shorthair has since been bred for its companionable attitude.
This breed is just as comfortable spending time with its family as it is spending time with itself, and is a great option for people with busy work schedules.