With long ears and silky fur, rabbits can make for cute and endearing pets that are a joy to be around and hold. Smaller than a dog and larger than a hamster, rabbits are a great option for those looking for a low maintenance comfort animal.
Rabbits are just that–they’re comforting. Quiet and demure, their plush coats are soft to the touch and impart a state of calm on whoever holds them. In particular, long-haired breeds are known for the fineness of their coats. Here we’ll go over 10 rabbits with long hair and discuss their characteristics.
While you may be tempted to run out and get one of these long-haired breeds, just keep in mind that the longer a rabbit’s coat is, the more maintenance is required to keep their coats clean and clump-free.
The 10 Adorable Rabbits with Long Hair
While all the rabbits on this list are considered long-haired breeds, they vary in terms of the length and quality of their coats. This variance means the texture of their coats will also vary between breeds, and some may be softer or more plush than others.
1. Jersey Wooly

Average Lifespan: 7-10 years
Average Weight: 2.5-3.5 pounds
Coat: long, wooly
A truly miniature breed, the Jersey Wooly, distinguished as the smallest long-haired rabbit breed, was originally developed in the state of New Jersey by crossing the Netherland Dwarf and French Angora.
As the name of the breed suggests, this breed’s coat is wool-like in texture and feel. Fortunately, the Jersey Wooly’s coat is surprisingly easy to maintain and care for compared to other long-haired rabbits.
With perked ears and a playful disposition, the Jersey Wooly is one of the most featured breeds in rabbit competitions in the US. It is also the smallest of the rabbits with long hair on our list.
2. Lionhead Rabbit

Average Lifespan: 4-7 years
Average Weight: 3-4 pounds
Coat: long, wispy
Another miniature breed, the Lionhead Rabbit was originally bred and developed in France and Belgium by crossing Swiss Foxes with Netherland Dwarfs.
Named for the buff of long fur around its face and neck, the Lionhead’s furry scarf has been compared to the mane of a lion. While less intimidating, the breed’s appearance is no less striking.
Friendly and polite, the Lionhead is known for being a playful and curious rabbit. Notably, some individuals may be born without the mane, which will grow on them as they mature.
3. American Fuzzy Lop

Average Lifespan: 5-8 years
Average Weight: 3-4 pounds
Coat: long, wooly
Known for its small size and wooly coat, the American Fuzzy Lop was first developed in the United States as a fancy pet breed. Its incredibly soft fur is like that of the English Angora, and comes in a variety of different colors and shades.
An active and playful breed, the American Fuzzy lop is known for its displays of affection and its tolerance for being handled.
4. English Angora

Average Lifespan: 5-8 years
Average Weight: 4-6 pounds
Coat: long, hypoallergenic
The smallest of the Angora breeds, the English Angora was originally developed in England in the 1940s, when it was reclassified and distinguished from the other Angora varieties. While its stated place of origin is England, the Angora strain is actually one of the oldest fancy breed strains and can be traced all the way back to Turkey.
Recognizable for the tufts on the tips of its ears and around its face, the English Angora is impressive and striking in appearance. Compared with most other rabbit breeds, it is fairly expensive and will require greater maintenance than other rabbits with long hair.
5. Cashmere Lop

Average Lifespan: 5-8 years
Average Weight: 4-6 pounds
Coat: long, dense
Medium in size, the Cashmere Lop was first bred and developed in England and can host a variety of different coat colors. So called the Cashmere Lop for its incredibly soft fur and droopy ears, this breed is known for its compact frame and affectionate disposition.
Interestingly, “lop” simply refers to its downward hanging ears, and is attached to the names of all rabbit breeds with this trait.
6. Silver Fox Rabbit
Average Lifespan: 7-10 years
Average Weight: 9-13 pounds
Coat: long, dense
One of the larger rabbits with long hair on our list, the Silver Fox Rabbit was originally developed in Ohio, and was the third breed of rabbit to be produced in the United States. Unlike the majority of breeds listed here, the Silver Fox was bred as a dual-purpose animal for both its meat and its unique fur, which has been used to make fur coats and hats.
A relatively rare breed with an unusual coat, it is known for being docile and kind. Despite being developed as a meat breed, this rabbit is known to make a great family pet.
7. Giant Angora

Average Lifespan: 7-11 years
Average Weight: 9-12 pounds
Coat: long
Another large breed, the Giant Angora can trace its ancestry to Turkey, and is thought to have been developed by crossing Flemish Giants and French Lops. Related to the English Angora, the Giant Angora possesses the same long, plush hair as its English cousin.
The Giant Angora is the largest of the Angora breeds. While it may have the same ratio of hair to body size as the English Angora, this fluffy giant comes with a lot more hair to handle and maintain. Sturdy and docile, this rabbit makes for a good pet.
8. Satin Angora

Average Lifespan: 7-12 years
Average Weight: 4-9 pounds
Coat: long
The third Angora variety to make our list is the Satin Angora, distinguished among long-haired rabbits, possessing the same Turkish ancestry as the other Angora breeds but refined in the 1930s.
Notably, the Satin Angora often lacks the patches of fluff on the tips of its ears that are common to the English Angora, and its fur is known for being less kinky and more fine than other Angora breeds.
Unlike many rabbit breeds, the Satin Angora’s fur can be made into clothing without the loss of the rabbit’s life. To accomplish this, the animal is simply shaved for its hair, which will grow back in time.
9. Swiss Fox Rabbit

Average Lifespan: 5-8 years
Average Weight: 6-9 pounds
Coat: long, plush
Originally produced in Switzerland in the 1920s, the Swiss Fox Rabbit was developed by crossing Havana and Angora varieties.
Known for being intelligent and affectionate, this playful breed is suitable for families with children. Although good with children, always ensure the animal is handled gently and respectfully.
Possessing a stocky frame and incredibly soft fur, the Swiss Fox is known for being a particularly rare breed of rabbit, making it difficult to come by and purchase.
10. German Angora

Average Lifespan: 7-12 years
Average Weight: 6-10 pounds
Coat: long
The German Angora, as with the other Angora breeds, can be traced to Turkey, where the Angora trait was said to have been developed over 500 years ago. It should be noted that some registries do not distinguish between the German Angora and English Angora.
Like other Angora breeds, the German Angora is sheared of its fur, which is used to produce clothing. In fact, the German Angora was bred from the English Angora to have a greater hair yield, and is known for being one of the furrier Angora varieties.
A docile and affectionate rabbit, the German Angora is known for being relaxed around adults and children alike and has a high tolerance for being held and handled. Notably, it is important to shear this breed, as it can ingest too much of its fur, causing health issues.